I have 3200 pounds of Red Grouper Allocation for lease for 2024. If you take the whole amount this year, you’ll have first crack at it come January 1 for next year. 2$/lb

Florala, AL, United States, 36442
100 multi gag 150 red grouper some deep water and shallow water call to discuss prices

Venice, FL, United States, 34293
i have 1000lbs for lease 2.50/lb

Port Richey, FL, United States, 34668
I have 551lbs of 2022 Red Grouper allocation for sale $260. Call Will at 727-457-3900

lake mary, fl, United States, 32746
Wanted block of red grouper allocation 10-20k lbs Mark 407-625-4492

Corpus Christi, Tx, United States, 78411
Allocation available for lease! Gag Grouper, Deep Water Grouper, Red Grouper, and Tilefish. Email jessica@greatsageinc.com, or call 361-356-1172.

5000 lbs red grouper allocation .25 cents a pound

Red Grouper 2500 pounds, all or smaller amounts ok .25 per pound. Also have GAG allocations, 650 pounds buy all or some at .55 per pound. Shallow Water 650 pounds buy all or some at .55 per pound. Call 239-242-7466. Thanks